Acupuncture uses a variety of tools to balance the body, mind and spirit. Using your body's own resources and innate ability to heal, acupuncture can provide relief for a variety of conditions. Most treatments involve the insertion of very fine needles into particular points on the body. (Patients afraid of needles should know that treatments can be provided without inserting needles into the skin!) All of my treatments are grounded in Body Trust and Health at Every Size, trauma awareness and social justice.
Primary modalities:
5 Element Acupuncture - treatment that is heavily based on an understanding of the natural world. These treatments can be particularly effective for helping patients find ease in life. I have studied with David Berkshire, LAc and President of Worsley Institue for over 7 years now. I am also a student in the Worsley Institute Apprenticeship program and have participated in WI workshops for the past 6 years.
Custom Herbal Support - individually formulated herbal prescriptions to support a variety of conditions. I study with and apply a system learned from Dr. Joon Hee Lee, LAc. I am a member of a continuing monthly consult group with Dr. Lee. Formulas are based primarily on the Shang han lun. I use Root and Branch for my west side patients and Golden Cabinet or Vital Compass for my East side patients. I also use biotherapeutic drainage as taught to me by David Berkshire, LAc.
Japanese Meridian Therapy - gentle, balanced treatments that work to support your general constitution and provide targeted relief.
Shonishin - very gentle, short treatments with no-needle insertion. This system is based on Japanese Meridian Therapy for treating children.
Other treatments include: Cupping, gua sha (or scrapping), sotai (gentle muscle movements that can increase flexibility and range of motion), and essential oils. *Please note: Due to COVID-19 I am currently not offering these additional services to ensure patient safety.
Below are images evoking the five elements used in all of Chinese medicine, but particularly relied upon in 5 Element style acupuncture. Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal are all around us and within us. Being in nature allows us to remember these fundamental aspects of our being and, in turn, assists the body to heal.